Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011


0 days left.

PrayForJapan, earthquake happened there.

2012 be better pls

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

3 Days Left

Gatau mau nulis apa. Truth or lie.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

4 Days Left, My 90 Entry

Jeng jeng, selama 2-3 hari terakhir gue agak sibuk. Sibuk nulis? Bukan, gue sibuk kumpul sama keluarga yang dari Jakarta, wkwkw. Gue main sama mereka.
Jadinya, blog agak terlantar deh, maaf yah.
So, I will say: 4 days left, it just... Make me hurt much. Oh, the truth is in front of my eyes, and there's no a point left hope for me, maybe like that but I still try.
Hopeless, for me, but I just... Umm, don't give up about that. What a stupid Auwl. #eh.


Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

6 Days Left

H-6 dan jengjeng
Banyak fact-fact unik yang terungkap hari ini dan jengjeng *gatau ngomong apa*.

Bye, see ya.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

7 Days Left & Bagi Rapot

Hehe. 7 hari lagi, makin berasa nyeseknya. Oh ya, gue tadi pagi bagi rapot. Deg-degan sumpah sama nilai PLH. Soalnya, nilai harian kelas gue gak pernah bagus, 60 paling topcer deh.
Jeng jeng. Tau-taunya, nilai PLH gue 86 sodara-sodara!!

DDCS 2nd Generation Rank

1. Rizka Nurul Afifa ( @rizka_pipe ; ketua OSIS ; pratama putri pramuka)
2. Aswandi Wibrianto ( @AswandiWibriant ; wakil ketua OSIS; kpopers)
3. Adi Widianto (game holic jago matematik)
4. Revy Rakanita
5. Aulia Oktadiputri ( @AUWL ; ini gue, gue rank 5 ; member OSIS; ELF)
6. Anugrah Fadillah ( member OSIS, brandal banget)
7. Faisal Akbar ( member OSIS ; game holic ; jago matematika ; muka mesum-_-"; kpopers)
8. Gatau
9. Gatau
10. Fathya Nurannisa ( @annfth ; kecanduan bb)
11. M. Rafif Hawari ( game holic)
12. M. Ghulam Arif ( Ketua kelas; member OSIS; pratama putra pramuka)
13. Gatau lupa
14. Pebrianto Anugerah ( kapten tim nasional sepak bola futsal DDCS 2nd Generation ; member OSIS; tim inti sepak bola sekolahan ; coach buat timnas futsal putri DDCS 2nd Generation)
15-25 gatau u,u

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011


Nyesek, 8 hari lagi. 8 days left...

My sixth book, with Tanna Brillian Dwizky (for Billy, it is his third book) a.k.a Billy Brilliant.

Berprestasi dan dikenal orang banyak tentu menjadi mimpi setiap orang, termasuk Adelia. Setelah belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh, walaupun terkantuk-kantuk dan sering tertidur saat belajar, Adelia berhasil meraih peringkat ketiga di kelasnya dan seabrek prestasi lainnya saat terima rapor kenaikan kelas.

Sang Mama telah menjanjikan liburan ke Pulau Bangka jika Adelia dan Ayesha, saudara kembarnya, berhasil meraih peringkat tiga besar di kelasnya. Dengan rasa percaya diri, seusai pembagian rapor, Adelia dan Ayesha menagih janji sang mama. Namun, apa yang terjadi? Kedua orangtua Adelia dan Ayesha sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan di kantor masing-masing, padahal Adelia dan Ayesha sangat ingin berlibur ke Pulau Bangka.

Lalu, apakah Adelia berhasil mewujudkan mimpinya untuk menginjakkan kakinya di Pulau Bangka?

On store January 2012!!!

Countdown, 9 Days Left

9 days left.
Then, good bye to you, my 2011.
Oh, and 9 days left for hoping and have hope.
It's hard for me, but just 9 days left... Can I turn the situation?
New Year Eve will become my determination. 9 days left until that time.
2 days left for school.
9 days left for hoping and have hope.
Then? THE END.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Vanilla Twilight


Betewe hari ini, gue mau ngumumin. H-3 Mauly pindah, H-3 Rafie balik Bangka. One by one my besties come-and-go, you know.


I still hide.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Caribbean Bay CF (Cabi Song) 2PM feat SNSD

Gue demen banget sama lagu ini. Wkwkwk. Mana dance di akhirnya tuh gampang ditiruin, wkwk. Seneng aja ngeliatnya, wkwk.
Lo tau Aswandi? Iye, si Wandi. Si Kpopers dari Delapan D. Masa tadi gue, Wandi, Fathya, nonton MV Cabi Song di laptop si Wandi, sambil itu lagu muter, Wandi ngejelasin biodata member 2PM sama SNSD.
"Yang ini tinggi e 189, msal yang tadi ka kata ka tu 185, nah yang si cewe yang ni 169," cerocos si Wandi.
Well, sebenernya si Wandi itu bukan nyebut 'ini' atau 'itu' atau apalah. Dia nyebut namanya! Taulah, gue baru baca biodata 2PM aja udah lupa lagi, cuma inget Taecyeon sama Junho. Si Nickhun lupa-lupa inget. SNSD taunya cuma Yoona, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, sama siapa ya? Yuri? Em. Lupa. SuJu gue aja taunya cuma Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Heechul, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yesung, Leeteuk, Ryewook. SHINee taunya cuma Taemin, Onew, Minho. Miss A cuma tau Suzy doang. f(x) taunya cuma Sulli terus Krystal.
Gue cuma tau girlband/boybandnya doang, gatau membernya sih, wkwk.
Sekian curhat gue. -_- Dah.

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

What I Need To Say?

Hai. Gile, gue gayanya mau hiatus ngeblog gara-gara UAS, baru aja 2 hari, udah kangen sama blog ini. Hehehe.
Gue gabegitu banyak belajar karena yang diujiin TIK-PTD dan Bahasa Indonesia doang. Wkwkwk. Belajarnya baru malem aja.
Matematika mix Agama. Wohoho, ini banyak belajar. Agama: 9 BAB! dan Matematika sebenenrnya gue cuma belajar di les doang. Alhamdulillah, gue lancar ngerjain dua-duanya. Thanks God!
Hari ini gue belajar buat besok, UAS DAY 3 yang mengujikan Bahasa Inggris dan PKN. Bahasa Inggris sih gak usah belajar juga not a big problem. Kalo PKN udah belajar aja masih puyeng. PKN ada 5 bab, gue baru belajar sampe 2 bab. Wkwk. Itupun belom selse. Terus gue juga udah lupa apa yang tadi gue pelajarin. Betewe, PKN ada 5 bab keseluruhan dan 3 diantaranya membahas Ideologi. Ideologi adalah apagitu gue udah lupa lagi.
Dan, kalo gue boleh ngewish satu hal, yang gue paling pengen besok itu, essay PKN gampang kaya waktu UTS. Huehehe. Oh ya, tambahan. Semoga yang ngawas baik :***
Sincerly, Auwl.
Still love MORSE!

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

First Love

Everyone can see
There's a change in me
They all say I'm not the same
Kid I use to be
Don't go out and play
I just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
And I'm too shy to say
It's my first love
What I'm dreaming on
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do
My first love
He thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could tell him what I'm feeling
'cause I'm feeling my first love
Mirror on the wall
Does he care at all
Does he ever notice me
Does he ever found
Tell me teddy bear
My love is so unfair
Will I ever found away
An answer to my pray
For my first love...

Itu lagunya Nikka Costa, First Love. Entah First Love atau My First Love, gue kurang tau. Intinya ada first love first love-nya gitu.

Gue tau lagu ini udah lama. Eh tau-tau si Fathya dan Mauly nyanyi lagu ini di 8E, jadi keingetan dan.... gue baru sadar oy, ini lirik lagunya ngena. Apalagi buat anak-anak cewe remaja gitu. Nah, gue jadi inget first love gue gara-gara lagu ini. Siapa ya hahaha.... betewe, ini kayanya post terakhir gue sebelom hiatus karena UAS....

This song, totally a beautiful song of a young love, specially, first love. What an amazing song.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Deathberry Dictionary

"I forget how much I love it when you hold me." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally A: Affection
"I wonder if we could handle one…." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally B: Bonding
"Don't worry about it…I'm happy to help.." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally C: Caring
"I don't care what you wear, as long as you're with me." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally D: Dating
"Alright, but we have to be quick." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally E: Erotic
"I'm not letting you go." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally F: Feelings
"I deactivated it so you could rest." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally G: Gratitude
"'Fear' is definitely not the problem here." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally H: Hormones
"I'll be right here for you." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally I: Insecure
"We both know I've always been yours." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally J: Jealousy
"You don't need to do that." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally K: Kindness
"You lose." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally L: Losing
"I missed you." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally M: Missing
"She needs someone who makes sure she behaves." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally N: Neccesity
"We're going or else." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally O: Objection
"Come back to me." "I will." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally P: Promises
"They were worse than childern." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally Q: Quitening
"You're all I need for that." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally R: Reaching
"You have to savor the moment." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally S: Savor
"But then again, he should have known." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally T: Technicality
"I believe in you, can't you believe in me?" -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally U: Understandings
"It's important because it came from you." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally V: Valuable
"I'll always find my way back to you." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally W: Wayward
"You've always been there to guide me." "And I always will be." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally X: Xenagogue
"I had hoped." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally Y: Yearn
"There are some moments in life where nothing needs to be explained." -Deathberry Dictionary by Sally Z: Zenbu

Deathberry Dictionary by sallythedestroyerofwords23


Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

1 December 2011

Okay, count down! 30 days left until 2012!
Kemaren kan gue udah ngapdet blog ini, tapi berhubung kasian sama yang hobi ngecek blog gue, jadi gue post lah sebuah post an baru. Kali ini temanya abstark aja, judulnya yaitu tanggal hari ini, "1 December".
Desember.... Jadi inget lagu Taylor Swift yang Back To December. Lirik ini yang menurut gue paling ngena sama gue.
‎"So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night,
And I go back to December all the time.
Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you,
Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I go back to December all the time.

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right,
And how you held me in your arms that September night,
The first time you ever saw me cry.
Maybe this is wishful thinking,
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right."

Galau, kan? Iya pake banget. Apalagi yang "IF WE LOVED AGAIN I SWEAR I'D LOVE YOU RIGHT." Saking galaunya jadi make Italic ditambah Bold plus Underline, kan. Hu, heran Auwl kok jadi rapuh gini ya.

"Kau tak tahu betapa rapuhnya aku
Masih merasa luka di masa lalu
Ku pernah mencintai sepenuh hati."

Gara-gara ngomong rapuh jadi keingetan sama lagu Rapuh nya si Joeniar Arief. Ngena ya? Iya. Huft, galau. Ah, ntahlah.
Oh ya, buat lo yang suka sama IchiRuki (Ichigo Rukia) dan tertarik buat baca fanfict IchiRuki Bahasa Indonesia, bisa baca fanfict mereka ini, dijamin deh pasti feeling-nya dapet.

~Hoshikawa Mey (wahahaha 17+ inside #digaplok)
~Jee-zee Eunry
~Searaki Icchy
~Kurosaki Kuchiki
~alexa yuu hyun oppa (Cuma punya 1 fic, Never You Know. Tapi, beh daleeeem, rated M for safe #Lagi-lagiDigampar)
~Ruki Yagami

-Learn From The Past-