Jumat, 11 November 2011


Gue cuma mau kasih komen buat cowo-cowo yang pernah ngisi hati gue.

1. I think he has never support me. Hahaha. He just.. told me when I did something wrong. He made me doing something that he told me that right, but he just told and asked for million times. He doesn't support me for do that. He just asked, asked, and asked...

different with someone who filled full my heart when Elementary School. So LOL...

2. He was a faithful boy when I'm on him side, supporting him with all that I can do. And he.. he supported me. He gave me spirit, and passion. at the moment, he would try for million times to make me smile.he never brake my heart, until ... I dump him. When I wanna go back, he dump me. So LOL.

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