Senin, 07 November 2011


At 1 p.m, Sonia went to my house. She told me that she wanted to play guitar. I taught her some chord, but then I was hands up... or... gave up haha. Sonia is a left-handed girl. Then Mauly came with her guitar and taught Sonia. Sonia always forgot the chord so we gave Sonia the same chord over and over again. Then, annfth came to my house and we sang some song. The first song was My Love by Westlife. Then, Cherybelle-Dilema. LOL...
Mauly taught Sonia but Sonia had never remembered. She just remembered C chord. Haha... Because of I and Mauly were hands up at that time, so Mauly decided to asked Ario to taught Sonia. Then, I talked with Arion on the phone, and he told me he can't went to my house alone because he is a boy. LOL...
So I told him, he can invite someone. And I-kidding of course- told him to invite Fakhri. Fakhri close to me, Ario, Mauly, Sonia and Fathya of course. Then at 3 p.m, I, Sonia, Mauly, and annfth would pray Ashar together at my house.
When I finished wudhu, Ario & Fakhri already at my house. then I asked them to wait for minutes, because the ladies wanted to pray Ashar.
When ladies finished pray Ashar, the ladies went to guest room where Fakhri and Ario waiting for us.
Sonia and Annfth learned some chord from Ario, and me and Mauly helped him to taught Sonia and Annfth. And Fakhri... I don't know what he do. Hahaha
We talked, we played, we sang together. Haha..
By the way Ario lied to her mother, she said "Hari ini GSC libur" and her mother trust him. LOL.
At 4.45 p.m, they went their house. Oh, you know what I mean. Sonia to her house, Mauly to her house, Annfth to her house, Ario to his house, and Fakhri to his house.
At 4.55 p.m, my friends called me at the yard. LOL, I think Ario and Fakhri came back to my house... but I dunno why they called me Aulia. They called me Putri or Auwl.
Oh, that were not Ario and Fakhri. It were Habib, Gerri, Hermawan, and Ican. So I asked them what's they goal came to my house. They told me they wanted to silaturahmi, but I don't believe that. LOL, they searched for Sonia! And I told them Sonia went to her home at 10 minutes ago. So they went home. LOL!!
Oh, that's enough. Bye.

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